Cocktail Competition PA
Prize winners will be selected based on the following criteria, on a scale of 1-5. The grading scale will consist of: 1 being the lowest grade and 5 being the highest grade. This grading scale will be used for each of the following fields of the bartender competition:
Cocktail Story
Taste of the Cocktail
Presentation of the Cocktail
BONUS (1) POINT: Additional Social Media Post with proper legal tags (all posts without tags, will not be counted).
BONUS POINT: Social Media posting of the cocktail. This post earns you 1 bonus point. The post is REQUIRED to include Legal and Compliance language provided by the brand . A post that does not include the required language will not be counted.
Legal language for post: “ #Ad #21+ Please Drink Responsibly. Fords Gin, 45% ALC/VOL, The Fords Gin Co., Louisville, KY.”